Stopped being a CNC Machinist to Pursue art. Ended up becoming a Farmer instead.

Age 24, Male


A University somewhere


Joined on 2/26/18

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A very long list of words ahead.

I like to draw and stuff but only drew doodles and stick figures, they're terrible drawings. In November of 2021, I was inspired by my friends who are good at drawing when they showed me how terrible their drawings were when they were still starting out, I was amazed at how good at drawing they've become. They keep telling me that it doesn't matter how old you are or how talented you are, what's important is that you start drawing a little bit more seriously. So I did, I watched youtube lessons and researched some of the basics. Decided to do it digitally since I had a computer and when I drew traditionally, my habit of just doodling ruins my practice. At first, I was beginning to doubt that drawing just doesn't fit me. But my friends encouraged me and told me to not expect that I would draw better overnight, in a day, a week, or a year. And that it would depend on how much effort and research I am willing to invest in it. Though I was busy struggling to finish college and find a job, I would try to practice basic shapes, dimensions, lighting, and perspective. I still am not good at these things, in fact, I still consider myself a beginner till now. I had a lot of ideas, scenery, and other stuff that I wanted to draw so I practiced for at least 15 minutes every day. Watching old flash animations I used to watch in elementary, I remembered that I had a Newgrounds account so why not post my shit here. I have a lot of things I want to say but I can't seem the find the words or a way to say them. I am currently training as a machinist for a job I applied for and the location is a couple of miles away from my computer, so I can only draw for a few hours or less or even not draw if I'm very tired, and sleep for 5 hours.

Now that a year has passed, although little drawing has been done, I suppose all the effort and time I invested to get better at drawing all paid off, I'm still having thoughts that drawing is just not for me or I'm improving at a very slow pace, I think it's too late for me. But I am still proud of my drawings and will keep drawing even just as a hobby. I see the year-long improvement, But I still think it's not good. I still have a very long way to go.

November 2021 - November 2022 Compilation of drawings and other stuff (Not including the "getting used to a drawing tablet" lines and circles drawings)

A year has gone by and I still don't know how Newgrounds work

I don't know how the image will look once I insert it here but here it goes.iu_815199_6781573.webp

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480 Points

Battlefield 10 Points

Go through the battlefield

Data Secured 25 Points

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Sewer 10 Points

Go through the sewers

LETS GOO! 10 Points

Achieve the highest rank

American beauty 10 Points

Penny wore special clothes for Rafe.

Burning Down the House 25 Points

Complete Game

Balloon Fight 10 Points

Destroy a Balloon With a Dash Attack

Disc Juggler 10 Points

Hit a Victrola Twice in Midair

Cultivation 5 Points

Burn a Plank

Star 10 Points

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